Prevent Bypass of DNS Content Policy

Ensure that filtering is not bypassed either intentionally or unintentionally.

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Tech Lockdown Team
Updated May 23, 2024

Preventing intentional or unintentional bypass of your Content Policy.

We recommend combining multiple approaches to ensure better results.

Lock your Tech Lockdown Profile

Locking your Tech Lockdown profile enables a more restrictive experience, preventing you from making your settings less restrictive while empowering you to increase restrictions or troubleshoot.

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Lock your Tech Lockdown Profile

Prevent easy access to making settings less restrictive.

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App Preferences

Adjust your app preferences to increase restrictions.

App Preferences

Set App Preferences on the Tech Lockdown Dashboard

Set App Preferences on the Tech Lockdown Dashboard to ensure your Content Policy is always enabled.

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Monitoring Activity

Another way to prevent bypass is by monitoring the following levels of activity:

  1. What devices are connected to my account?
  2. What websites are being visited?

Block VPNs and Proxies

The most common way to bypass restrictions is to use a VPN or Proxy service. We strongly recommend enabling the “Anonymizer” Content Category on a Blocked Policy:

This will prevent any connected device from being able to access applications or services using a VPN or Proxied connection.

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Content Policy

Preventing Bypass on Windows

After you've connected your Windows device to your Content Policy, the next step is to enforce that connection.

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Content Policy

Preventing Bypass on Mac

After you’ve connected an Mac device to your content policy, the next step is to enforce that connection.

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Prevent Bypass iPhone

Preventing Bypass on iPhone

After you’ve connected an iPhone device to your content policy, the next step is to enforce that connection.

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Content Policy

Preventing Bypass on Android

After you’ve connected an Android device to your content policy, the next step is to enforce that connection.

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