The Tech Lockdown dashboard includes a Device Setup wizard, which walks you through the recommended bypass prevention steps.
Here is what the wizard walks you through for Standard or Supervised iPhone bypass prevention.
Enforce the Cloudflare One VPN
This is a summary of what the bypass prevention wizard recommends for enforcing the VPN connection.
A) Standard
If you can't supervise your iPhone:
B) Supervised
If you followed our guide to enable supervised mode :
Both Standard and Supervised
This should be implemented for both Standard and Supervised iPhones:
Restrict Apps
We highly recommend restricting the apps that can be added to an iPhone.
A) Standard
If you can't enable supervised mode:
B) Supervised
Find the Supervised App Manager in your Tech Lockdown Dashboard > Tools > iPhone
then choose an option:
Both Standard and Supervised
You can use the Content Policy in your Tech Lockdown dashboard to create app block rules to disable apps that rely on the internet to function properly. When an app is blocked this way, you will still be able to install it on the iPhone, but it won't function properly.
Other Bypass Prevention Techniques
There are some bypass prevention techniques that apply regardless of the device you are using.
Bypass Prevention
Prevent Bypass of DNS Content Policy
Ensure that filtering is not bypassed either intentionally or unintentionally.